
Albert Pujols¡¯ agent hit by a bombshell report

Albert Pujols¡¯ agent hit by a bombshell report Back in late September, Dan Lozano told Bob Nightengale of USA Today that being the agent for Albert Pujols(notes) and other baseball stars meant always feeling like he was wearing "a target on my back." Though its inspiration might have been murky at the time it was originally read, the article now reads like a man setting up for a mud-slinging battle he knows is soon coming. Lozano's clients are trotted out to reaffirm their support before it's ever needed. The 44-year-old offers answers to unanswered questions before they're even asked. Two months later, it all makes sense as the huge dirt bomb finally landed ¡ª boy, did it ever ¡ª on Lozano's reputation via the virtual pages of Deadspin. In a Barry Petchesky article entitled the "King of Sleaze," Lozano's character and business practices are called into question through a number of documents and photos that were sent to Deadspin's offices by an anonymous source, likely another agent if Lozano's claims and our natural instincts are correct.The whole post is something straight out of "Entourage" had that show ever been interesting, and the claims against Lozano, who also represents players like Jimmy Rollins(notes), Michael Young(notes), Carlos Beltran(notes) and Brian Wilson(notes), are too numerous to list in bullet points here. You really have to go read the whole dirty thing. They also probably don't belong on anything that can be considered a family website. From allegations that Lozano personally took prostitutes for, uh, "test drives" before hiring them for his clients to claims that his financial troubles led Pujols to sign a below-market extension with the Cardinals in 2004, it goes straight past the world of PG-13 and into X-rated territory. It's the type of stuff that you might have surmised after reading the original USA Today article, only to quickly dismiss it because it was too lurid. And yet somehow it includes all of that while also shining a light on Alex Rodriguez's(notes) involvement ¡ª of course A-Rod would figure into this ¡ª before it's all over. Anyone that questions Puljos's integrity has obviously not watched my play much. He is the best. Both on and off the field. Gives his time and money to some very good causes. Is devout in his faith. He has an off year that anyone else would die for (5th place in the MVP balloting) and everyone talks about how his best is past him. The Cardinals made enough money off the last 2 world series wins in 06 and 11 to pay Albert the 210 million over the next 9 years plus have a pile left over. The marketing revenue off his name will go on for decades after he retires. Its silly to talk about letting him go. Would be on par with the Red Sox trading Babe Ruth to the Yankees. St Louis is the best baseball town there is and it deserves to have the best player in the game. With Wainwright coming back next year and Motte taking over the closer roll, the resigning of Lance Berkman , look out for the Cards again in 2012. Matt Sebek of Joe Sports Fan's comment after reading this report was "Speechless. I have no speech" and I have to confess to having a similar feeling afterward. It's no breaking news that a sports agent may have resorted to some unsavory tactics to lure and sign clients, but the fact that it's Albert Pujols' agent as the St. Louis Cardinals superstar prepares to chase what could be the richest deal in baseball history? That makes it a lot more interesting. Thumbs down me all you want but this is a foolish article based upon shoddy references with suspect objectives. Writers, ahem, who wish to infuse reality TV's controversy or confrontational themes into their writs are not sports writers; they are bloggers who desire to pump up your opinion, and or, desire to spew. The allegations and facts in this case are not shocking to anyone who has ever met Lozano. This relatively new "judge in the court of internet chatter" is borish and destructive. group buying

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