
Top 10 Ugliest Signature Basketball Shoes of All-Time

Some of the best basketball players in the world have fame and fortune but the true sign of being elite in the NBA is having your own signature shoe. However, not all signature shoes have been a hit. So I have formulated the top 10 ugliest signature shoes to grace the NBA hardwood. You might be surprised to see, hall of famers, MVP's, scoring title holders and all around superstars that have sported some of the ugliest kicks with their name on them. These shoes were not only bad looking but in some cases extremely uncomfortable, and in other cases just ridiculous. So here it is, the official Top 10 Ugliest Signature Basketball Shoes of All-Time.

10.  Converse Wade I - Dwyane Wade

The first signature shoe by Converse since the Chuck Taylor’s and they BLEW IT! Oh my word, they had a great young player, on a strong team, they actually sign him and then they produce the most awful looking, stretched out accordion looking shoe. I mean the thing basically had flaps on it so your feet would move slower!

9.   Dada Sprewells - Latrell Sprewell

They spinning homie, they spinning! Are you kidding me? Do I even have to say anything here?

 Ewing Rogue II- Patrick Ewing
I bet you all forgot that Ewing had his own signature shoe line. That’s right, not only did Ewing have his own shoes; he made his whole own line of sneakers. But   this wasn’t like how Jordan came out of Nike. This was a bad idea that came out of Patrick’s own head. Centers do not sell shoes. It’s just a rule.

7.  Adidas Gil Zero- Gilbert Arenas
 Gilbert's first signature basketball shoe, and it looks like a tennis shoe. The colors on the shoe are white, blue and red when the Wizards colors are teal, gold, black, and white. Its like Adidas wasn't   even trying.

6   Dada C dubbz - Chris Webber

The shiniest shoes ever. You may recall C Webb attempting to blind Shaq at the free throw line with them during an All-Star game. Why you would need to blind Shaq at the free throw line is beyond me. These things looked like you were wearing some plastic shoes that your little sister had made in her 5th grade art class. It basically was glorified glitter on the side.

5.  Nike Air Bakin- Tim Hardaway
These came out during Hardaway’s stint with the Miami Heat. Hense the name, “Bakin.” Could it be any cheesier?
4.  Jordan 15- Michael Jordan
The first Jordan to come out after Jordan’s final departure from the Bulls, and it looked as bad as the Bulls record the following year with out Jordan. It had weird textures on it, and looked like something Batman wouldn’t even wear
3.   Nike Zoom Flight 5 - Jason Kidd
This was actually Jason Kidd’s second signature shoe with Nike. They had that “alien eye” which was actually like a bug eye just smacked in the middle of the shoe. What were the guys at Nike smoking and where can I get it? The only reason people bought this shoe was because Jason Kidd wore it, but people didn’t realize J Kidd was getting paid to wear them, everyone else is just a victim of advertising.
2.   LA Gear- Karl Malone
L.A. Gear Anything could be on this list, but the Mailman actually endorsed and was given a signature shoe by this non-brand shoe brand. It had lights people. Lights! Come on now.
1.   Adidas Kobe 2 (crazy 2)- Kobe Bryant
       Adidas blew it! They had a good idea, but horrible execution. I like the idea of simple, but these low tops looked like                           you were playing ball with blocks on your feet. They looked ridiculous, and maybe one of the many reasons that Kobe is     now with Nike.

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