
NBA owners, players resume talks

Representatives for NBA owners and players have started settlement talks in a last-ditch effort to prevent the cancellation of the league’s Christmas games, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.
The negotiations started Tuesday and were expected to continue Wednesday and through the Thanksgiving holiday, sources said. Kobe Shoes New Style
“We should know more by later [Wednesday] evening,” one league source said.
While the two sides have enough time to negotiate a deal for a shortened schedule for the 2011-12 season, they likely would have to reach agreement no later than this weekend if the league also hopes to save its showcase games scheduled for Christmas. NBA commissioner David Stern has repeatedly said the league would need about 30 days after an agreement is reached before the season could start.
Negotiations between the two sides broke off on Nov. 14 after the union decided to disband. Players Association president Derek Fisher is not involved in the current talks, a source said. Kobe Shoes New Style
In their last round of negotiations as a union, the players had agreed to accept a 50-50 revenue split with the owners, provided they resolved some of the system issues that could limit player movement. Stern had repeatedly said the owners were done negotiating and that the players must accept the league’s proposal or risk a worse offer.
The players rejected the deal and hired antitrust attorney David Boies to help represent them. Boies has repeatedly said the goal of the players’ litigation is to spur the owners to start settlement talks.
[ Related: Mavericks player criticizes Billy Hunter ]
Lawyers representing the players initially filed two antitrust suits against the league that have since been consolidated into one inMinneapolis. Players Association executive director Billy Hunter told reporters on Tuesday he thought a magistrate could be appointed in the case to begin settlement talks early next week.

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